Writing HTML

Create elements, attributes and event handlers in plain F#

All of the functions described here are defined in the module Bolero.Html.

See also how to create HTML elements using HTML templates.

Note: the syntax for HTML has significantly changed in Bolero 0.20. See HTML list functions for the pre-0.20 list-based syntax.


HTML elements are created using Computation Expressions. The CE builder is the name of the element, and the body of the CE lists child content.

let myElement (name: string) : Node =
    div {
        h1 { "My app" }
        p { $"Hello {name} and welcome to my app!" }

To create a custom element for which there isn't a builder, use elt.

let myElement : Node =
    elt "data-paragraph" {
        "This is in a <data-paragraph> element."

In addition to representing an HTML node, the type Node can also represent a (possibly empty) sequence of nodes. This is done using the concat builder.

let myElements : Node =
    concat {
        p { "First paragraph" }
        p { "Second paragraph" }

The function text takes a string and represents a text node without having to wrap it in an HTML element.

let myTextNode (name: string) : Node =
    text $"Hello {name}!"

The function empty() represents an empty sequence of nodes. This doesn't seem very useful at first, but it is actually important for conditional elements.

Conditional elements

Due to the way that Blazor compares the rendered DOM when a change is applied, the returned HTML must always have the same structure: conditional elements can't be simply added. For example, the following may cause runtime errors:

// May fail at runtime.
let myButton (label: option<string>) : Node =
    button {
        if label.IsSome then

Rendering such conditional content must be done with the cond function instead.

  • cond can take a boolean value, and a function to call on this value returning a Node. For example, the following is correct:

    let myButton (label: option<string>) : Node =
        button {
            cond label.IsSome <| function
                | true -> text label.Value
                | false -> empty()

    You can also see here why empty is a useful function.

  • cond can also take a value whose type is an F# union, and a function that matches over the cases of this union. For example, option<'T> is an F# union, so the following is correct:

    let myButton (label: option<string>) : Node =
        button {
            cond label <| function
                | Some l -> text l
                | None -> empty()

    Here's an example with a union defined in your code:

    /// A list of usernames, truncated to two + number of others
    type UserList =
        | One of string
        | Two of string * string
        | Many of string * string * int
    /// Shows one of the following, depending on the number of users:
    /// * "*Alice* likes this"
    /// * "*Alice* and *Bob* like this"
    /// * "*Alice*, *Bob* and 12 others like this"
    let showLikes (users: UserList) : Node =
        concat {
            cond users <| function
                | One uname -> b { uname }
                | Two (uname1, uname2) ->
                    concat {
                        b { uname1 }
                        " and "
                        b { uname2 }
                | Many (uname1, uname2, others) ->
                    concat {
                        b { uname1 }
                        ", "
                        b { uname2 }
                        $" and {others} others"
            cond users <| function
                | One _ -> text " likes this."
                | _     -> text " like this."

Collection elements

Similarly, rendering collections using a function such as List.map to create a list of nodes can cause runtime errors. Instead, collections of items should be rendered using the function forEach.

let listUsers (names: string list) : Node =
    p {
        "Here are the users:"
        ul {
            forEach names <| fun name ->
                li { name }

Alternatively, inside HTML computation expressions, the for keyword renders collections safely.

let listUsers (names: string list) : Node =
    p {
        "Here are the users:"
        ul {
            for name in names do
                li { name }


Attributes are available in the attr submodule. They are added to an element by listing them inside the computation expression, before child nodes.

let myElement : Node =
    p {
        attr.style "color: blue;"
        attr.``class`` "paragraph"

        "Hello and welcome to my app!"

To create a custom attribute for which there isn't a function, use the => operator.

let myElement : Node =
    p {
        "data-kind" => "paragraph"

        "Hello and welcome to my app!"

Conditional attributes

Like with elements (see Conditional elements), naively adding conditional attributes can lead to runtime errors.

// May fail at runtime.
let myElement (isBlue: bool) : Node =
    p {
        if isBlue then
            attr.style "color: blue;"

        "Hello and welcome to my app!"

Instead, if an attribute may or may not need to be added depending on a condition, always add the attribute and give it a value of false or null when it should be omitted.

let myElement (isBlue: bool) : Node =
    p {
        attr.style (if isBlue then "color: blue;" else null)

        "Hello and welcome to my app!"

Event handlers

Event handlers are available in the on submodule.

let myElement : Node =
    button {
        on.click (fun _ -> printfn "Clicked!")

        "Click me!"

The argument passed to the callback has type UIEventArgs from Blazor. Specific events have corresponding subtypes of UIEventArgs: for example, on.click uses UIMouseEventArgs.

let myElement : Node =
    button {
       on.click (fun e ->
            printfn $"Clicked at ({e.ClientX}, {e.ClientY})")

        "Click me!"

To create a custom event handler for which there isn't a function, use on.event.

let myElement : Node =
    button {
        on.event "customevent" (fun _ -> printfn "Custom event!")

        "Click me!"

Asynchronous event handlers are also available in the submodules on.task and on.async. These modules contain functions that are identical to the ones directly in on, except that their callbacks return Task and Async<unit>, respectively.

let myElement (js: IJSRuntime) : Node =
    button {
        on.task.click (fun e ->
            js.InvokeVoidAsync("console.log", e.ClientX).AsTask())

        "Click me!"

Data bindings

Attributes defined in the bind module define two-way binding with the element's value. These functions take two arguments:

  1. The current value, which generally comes from the Elmish model.
  2. A setter function, which generally calls the Elmish dispatch function.

Here is an example using bind.input.string:

type Model = { username: string }

type Message =
    | SetUsername of string

let hello (model: Model) (dispatch: Dispatch<Message>) : Node =
    input {
        bind.input.string model.username (fun n -> dispatch (SetUsername n))

        // Equivalent but more concise, using the composition operator:
        bind.input.string model.username (dispatch << SetUsername)

The module bind contains the submodules input and change:

  • Functions in bind.input bind to the value property of an element by listening to the oninput event. This means that the callback is called on every user interaction on the element that changes its value. For example, on a text input, it is triggered on every keystroke.

    They are suitable for input and textarea elements.

  • Functions in bind.change are identical except that they listen to the onchange event. This means that the callback is called when a change is "committed" by the user. For example, on a text input, it is triggered when the user presses Enter or unfocuses the element after changing its value.

    They are suitable for input, textarea and select elements.

These submodules contain functions that bind to a value with the corresponding type:

  • string
  • int
  • int64
  • float
  • float32
  • decimal
  • dateTime
  • dateTimeOffset

The number-typed functions are particularly suitable with an input that has attr.``type`` "number".

Additionally, the module bind directly contains a function checked which binds to the checked property of a checkbox input. Note that you also need to add attr.``type`` "checkbox" to the input.

type Model = { isChecked: bool }

type Message =
    | SetChecked of bool

let hello (model: Model) (dispatch: Dispatch<Message>) : Node =
    input {
        attr.``type`` "checkbox"
        bind.checked model.isChecked (fun c -> dispatch (SetChecked c))

For radio buttons, you can use bind.change.* like so:

type Color = Red | Green | Blue
type Model = { color: Color }

type Message =
    | SetColor of Color
let hello (model: Model) (dispatch: Dispatch<Message>) : Node =
    forEach [Red; Green; Blue] <| fun color ->
        input {
            attr.``type`` "radio"

            // use the same name for the 3 radio buttons to group them.
            attr.name "select-color"

            // HTML requires each button to have a different string value,
            // but you don't have to use this string in the event handler
            // if you have a better typed value at hand (here, `color`).
            bind.change.string (string color) (fun _ -> dispatch (SetColor color))