Upgrade guide

How to update a project for newer releases

From v0.22 to v0.23

See the 0.23 announcement.

  • The signatures of the following server-side methods and their various overloads have changed:

    • IServiceCollection.AddBoleroHost
    • IServiceCollection.AddBoleroRouting
    • IEndpointRouteBuilder.MapFallbackToBolero

    The following changes are applied to them:

    • Optional arguments are changed from F#-style to C#-style.
    • Function arguments are changed from F#-style functions to C#-style Func or Action.

    These changes are source-compatible for most use cases.

  • Functions on.stopPropagation and on.preventDefault now take the event name without the "on" prefix.

From v0.21 to v0.22

See the 0.22 announcement.

  • Bolero v0.22 introduces endpoint routing for remote services. While the existing middleware is still supported, it is obsolete, and it is advised to switch to endpoint routing.

    Here are the migration steps. In the server project's Startup.fs:

    • In ConfigureServices, replace AddRemoting:


      with AddBoleroRemoting:

    • In Configure, remove app.UseRemoting and add endpoints.MapBoleroRemoting:

          //.UseRemoting() // Remove this
          .UseEndpoints(fun endpoints ->
              endpoints.MapBoleroRemoting() |> ignore // Add this
              endpoints.MapBlazorHub() |> ignore
              endpoints.MapFallbackToBolero(Index.page) |> ignore)
    • If you use authorization with IRemoteContext.Authorize or AuthorizeWith, then also add app.UseAuthorization. It must be located after app.UseRouting and before app.UseEndpoints:

          .UseAuthorization() // Add this
          .UseEndpoints(fun endpoints ->
              // ...
  • Elmish has been updated to version 4. This release significantly revamps subscriptions. See the Elmish documentation for a guide to convert Elmish subscriptions from v3 to v4.

From v0.18 to v0.20

See the 0.20 announcement.

Bolero v0.20 upgrades the dependency to .NET 6. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

  • Install the .NET SDK 6.0.101 or newer.

  • If you are using Visual Studio, it is recommended to upgrade to version 2022 (17.x).

  • This version completely changes the syntax for HTML. Instead of functions taking a list of attributes and a list of children, HTML elements and Blazor components are defined using computation expressions. See the documentation on HTML for all details on the new syntax.

From v0.15 to v0.16

See the 0.16 announcement.

Bolero v0.16 upgrades the dependency to .NET 5. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

  • Install the .NET SDK 5.0.100 or newer.

  • If you are using Visual Studio, it is recommended to upgrade to version 16.8.

  • In your client-side project files:

    • Replace the line:

      <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


      <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly">
    • Remove the dependency on the NuGet package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Build.

  • In all your project files:

    • Replace the TargetFramework with net5.0.

    • Update the dependency version on all Microsoft.AspNetCore.* packages to 5.0.* (for NuGet) or ~> 5.0.0 (for Paket).

From v0.14 to v0.15

See the 0.15 announcement.

Bolero v0.15 doesn't change the SDK requirements. Here are the upgrade steps:

  • Elmish has been updated to v3.0. As a consequence, some functions are now obsolete. For example, Cmd.ofAsync should now be replaced with Cmd.OfAsync.either. It is a simple renaming, you can simply follow the compiler warnings.

  • The HTML element reference API has changed:

    • The type ElementRefBinder was renamed to HtmlRef;
    • its Ref property was renamed to Value;
    • The function attr.bindRef was renamed to attr.ref;
    • The function attr.ref taking a function as argument has been removed.

From v0.13 to v0.14

See the 0.14 announcement.

Bolero 0.14 doesn't change the SDK requirements. Here are the upgrade steps:

  • The module Bolero.Json has been removed. Instead, Bolero's remoting now uses the standard System.Text.Json, together with the library FSharp.SystemTextJson to provide support for F# types such as records, unions, options, lists, etc. If you had JSON format customization based on Bolero.Json attributes, you must replace them with System.Text.Json-based customization. Otherwise, there is nothing to do.

From v0.12 to v0.13

See the 0.13 announcement.

Bolero 0.13 upgrades the dependency on .NET Core SDK 3.1.300 or newer and on Blazor to 3.2.0. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

  • Install the .NET Core 3.1.300 SDK or newer.

  • If you are using Visual Studio, it is recommended to upgrade to version 16.6.

  • If you use remoting, in your client-side startup, replace the following:

    builder.Services.AddRemoting() |> ignore


    builder.Services.AddRemoting(builder.HostEnvironment) |> ignore

    Note also that AddRemoting now adds a named HttpClient intended solely for use by remoting. If you were using the injected HttpClient for your own purposes, then you will need to inject one separately using the standard method:

    builder.Services.AddSingleton(new HttpClient(BaseAddress = Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress))) |> ignore
  • There is a new BoleroHostConfig which simplifies the configuration of the server-side hosting. While the _Host.cshtml and HostModel.fs that were included in previous versions of the project template should continue to work correctly, it is recommended to switch to using BoleroHostConfig.

    • Remove HostModel.fs.

    • In Pages/_Host.cshtml, apply the following change:

      @page "/"
      @namespace HelloWorld
      -@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
      -@model HostModel
      +@using Bolero.Server.RazorHost
      +@inject IBoleroHostConfig BoleroHostConfig
      <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Hello world!</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <base href="/" />
      -  <div id="main">@(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<HelloWorld.Client.MyApp>(Model.IsServer ? RenderMode.ServerPrerendered : RenderMode.Static))</div>
      +  <div id="main">@(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<HelloWorld.Client.MyApp>(BoleroHostConfig))</div>
      -  <script src="_framework/blazor.@(Model.IsServer ? "server" : "webassembly").js"></script>
      +  @Html.RenderBoleroScript(BoleroHostConfig)
    • In Startup.fs, open the namespace Bolero.Server.RazorHost and inject BoleroHostConfig in ConfigureServices:

      services.AddBoleroHost() |> ignore

      This method takes optional arguments that configure the hosting of the application (server vs client, prerendered or not, etc).

From v0.11 to v0.12

See the 0.12 announcement.

Bolero 0.12 upgrades the dependency on .NET Core SDK 3.1.102 or newer and on Blazor to 3.2-preview2. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

  • Install the .NET Core 3.1.102 SDK or newer.

  • If you are using Visual Studio, check on the above page for the corresponding version (16.4 or 16.5).

  • Follow closely the upgrade guides for Blazor 3.2-preview1 and Blazor 3.2-preview2. Note in particular the NuGet package renames in the latter. Regarding WebAssemblyHost, see the client-side changes below.

  • In your client .fsproj file, inside the <PropertyGroup> tag, add the following:

  • The client-side startup has been completely revamped in Blazor 3.2; see the Blazor 3.2-preview1 announcement for more details.. A startup file like the following:

    namespace HelloWorld.Client
    open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Hosting
    open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
    open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Builder
    type Startup() =
        member __.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) =
            // [1] Services configuration:
            services.AddRemoting() |> ignore
        member __.Configure(app: IComponentsApplicationBuilder) =
            // [2] Component configuration:
    module Program =
        let Main args =


    namespace HelloWorld.Client
    open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting
    module Program =
        let Main args =
            let builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args)
            // [1] Services configuration:
            builder.Services.AddRemoting() |> ignore
            // [2] Component configuration:
            builder.Build().RunAsync() |> ignore
  • In the server-side startup, replace the following:




    and the following:

    .UseEndpoints(fun endpoints ->
        endpoints.MapDefaultControllerRoute() |> ignore
        endpoints.MapFallbackToClientSideBlazor<Client.Startup>("index.html") |> ignore)


    .UseEndpoints(fun endpoints ->
        endpoints.MapControllers() |> ignore
        endpoints.MapFallbackToFile("index.html") |> ignore)

    Additionally, in the main function, under WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args), add:


    See the Blazor 3.2-preview2 announcement for more details.

From v0.10 to v0.11

Bolero 0.11 upgrades the dependency on .NET Core to 3.1 and on Blazor to 3.1-preview4. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

  • Install the .NET Core 3.1 SDK or newer.

  • If you are using Visual Studio, upgrade to version 16.4.

  • Change the <TargetFramework> of your client .fsproj file from netstandard2.0 to netstandard2.1.

  • Change the <TargetFramework> of your server .fsproj file from netcoreapp3.0 to netcoreapp3.1.

  • The API for binders have been changed.
    The bind module now contains submodules bind.input and bind.change which in turn contain functions for the type of value being bound: string, int, int64, float, float32, decimal, dateTime and dateTimeOffset.
    Additionally, a module bind.withCulture contains the same submodules with functions taking an additional CultureInfo as argument to specify the culture to use to parse the value.

    For example, the following:

    concat [
        input [bind.input model.name (fun n -> dispatch (SetName n))]
        input [bind.inputInt model.age (fun a -> dispatch (SetAge a))]


    concat [
        input [bind.input.string model.name (fun n -> dispatch (SetName n))]
        input [bind.input.int model.age (fun a -> dispatch (SetAge a))]

From v0.9 to v0.10

Bolero 0.10 doesn't change the dependencies from 0.9. It has one breaking change:

  • The function ecomp now takes an additional list of attributes as first argument.

From v0.8 to v0.9

Bolero 0.9 upgrades the dependency on .NET Core to 3.0 RTM and on Blazor to 3.0-preview9. It doesn't include any breaking changes. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

From v0.7 to v0.8

Bolero 0.8 upgrades the dependency on Blazor and .NET Core to 3.0-preview8. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

  • Install the .NET Core 3.0-preview8 SDK.

  • The server-side module Remote has been removed, with its functions withHttpContext, authorize and authorizeWith.

    Instead, a new type IRemoteContext is provided via dependency injection:

    type IRemoteContext =
        inherit IHttpContextAccessor // member HttpContext : HttpContext with get, set
        member Authorize : ('req -> Async<'resp>) -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)
        member AuthorizeWith : seq<IAuthorizeData> -> ('req -> Async<'resp>) -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)

    To obtain this new value:

    • If you use a RemoteHandler class with dependency injection, simply take ctx: IRemoteContext as additional argument in its constructor.

    • If you use a plain record value, make it instead a function that takes ctx: IRemoteContext as argument and returns the record. New overloads on IServiceCollection.AddRemoting can take such a function as argument.

    Then, to use it:

    • Replace Remote.withContext <| fun http arg -> // ... with a simple fun arg -> ....

    • Replace Remote.authorize <| fun http arg -> // ... with ctx.Authorize <| fun arg -> ....

    • Replace Remote.authorizeWith attrs <| fun http arg -> // ... with ctx.AuthorizeWith attrs <| fun arg -> ....

    In all three cases, use ctx.HttpContext instead of http in the function.

From v0.6 to v0.7

Bolero 0.7 updates the dependency on Blazor and .NET Core to 3.0-preview7. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

  • Install the .NET Core 3.0-preview7 SDK.

  • Cmd.ofRemote, Cmd.performRemote and the related type RemoteResponse<'T> are obsolete. Here is how to update:

    • If the remote call is to a non-authorized function, then simply use Cmd.ofAsync / Cmd.performAsync.

    • If the remote call is to an authorized function, then replace RemoteResponse<'T> with option<'T>, Cmd.ofRemote with Cmd.ofAuthorized and Cmd.performRemote with Cmd.performAuthorized.

From v0.5 to v0.6

Bolero 0.6 updates the dependency on Blazor and .NET Core to 3.0-preview6. Here are the associated upgrade steps:

  • Install the .NET Core 3.0-preview6 SDK.

  • The server-side Startup.fs code has changed. In Configure, the method UseBlazor has been removed; replace it with the following:

        .UseEndpoints(fun endpoints ->
            endpoints.MapDefaultControllerRoute() |> ignore
            endpoints.MapFallbackToClientSideBlazor<Client.Startup>("index.html") |> ignore)

    This requires the addition of the following line in ConfigureServices:

        services.AddMvcCore() |> ignore

HTML hot reloading also received changes.

  • A new NuGet package Bolero.HotReload.Server needs to be referenced by the Server project.

  • IAppBuilder.UseHotReload is deprecated; instead, add endpoints.UseHotReload() at the top of the UseEndPoints callback:

        .UseEndpoints(fun endpoints ->
            endpoints.MapDefaultControllerRoute() |> ignore
            endpoints.MapFallbackToClientSideBlazor<Client.Startup>("index.html") |> ignore)

From v0.4 to v0.5

Blazor 3.0

Bolero 0.5 doesn't bring any breaking API changes. However, it upgrades the dependency on Blazor from 0.7 to 3.0-preview5; and by doing so, it also upgrades the dependency on .NET Core from 2.1 to 3.0-preview5. This brings a number of necessary changes to projects. Here are the necessary steps:

  • Install the .NET Core 3.0-preview5 SDK.

  • If your solution contains a global.json file with an explicit SDK version, either remove the file or update its SDK version to 3.0.100-preview5.

  • In paket.dependencies:

    • In the framework declaration, replace netcoreapp2.1 with netcoreapp3.0.
    • Remove the following nuget lines:
      • Microsoft.AspNetCore.App (In ASP.NET Core 3.0, it is automatically included by the SDK)
      • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Design
      • Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR
    • Replace clitool Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Cli with nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.DevServer.
    • For all the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor* and Bolero* dependencies, remove version constraints if there are any (such as ~> 0.7.0), and add prerelease as a version constraint.
  • In src/*.Client/paket.references:

    • Replace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Cli with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.DevServer.
  • In src/*.Server/paket.references:

    • Remove Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.
  • In both *.fsproj files, replace the TargetFramework from netcoreapp2.1 to netcoreapp3.0. Also, remove the following lines from *.Client.fsproj:

    <RunArguments>blazor serve</RunArguments>

You can now run .paket/paket update to update the packages. There are also a few code changes to apply:

  • In src/*.Client/Startup.fs:

    • Replace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Builder with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Builder.
    • Replace IBlazorApplicationBuilder with IComponentsApplicationBuilder.
  • In src/*.Server/Startup.fs:

    • Replace IHostingEnvironment with IWebHostEnvironment.

Your solution should now build and run successfully. If your code uses Blazor APIs directly, please check the Blazor 0.8, 0.9 and 3.0 upgrade guides for more code changes you might need to make.

If you are having any issues with this upgrade, don't hesitate to post an issue on GitHub!