Switching to System.Text.Json, using Blazor fragments, URL encoding in the router and more.
We are happy to announce the release of Bolero version 0.14. Bolero is a library that enables writing full-stack applications in F#, whose client side runs in WebAssembly using Blazor.
This release requires the .NET Core SDK version 3.1.300 or newer, which you can download here for Windows, OSX or Linux.
Install the latest project template with:
dotnet new -i Bolero.Templates::0.14.13
#135 Inferred router performs URL encoding/decoding on string
-typed parameters.
type Page =
| [<EndPoint "/article/{slug}">]
Article of slug: string
let router = Router.infer SetPage (fun model -> model.page)
router.Link (Article "Déjà-vu") = "/article/D%C3%A9j%C3%A0-vu"
#151 Accept either a relative or absolute path in custom router's getRoute
#155 Add function fragment
to create a Bolero Node
from a Blazor RenderFragment
This enables creating components that take fragments as parameters:
type Input() =
inherit Component()
member val Label = Unchecked.defaultof<RenderFragment> with get, set
override this.Render() =
label [] [
fragment this.Label
input []
let myInput = comp<Input> [attr.fragment "Label" (div [] [text "My input"])] []
In particular, a RenderFragment
parameter named ChildContent
defines the children of the component, ie. the content passed as second argument to comp
type Panel() =
inherit Component()
member val ChildContent = Unchecked.defaultof<RenderFragment> with get, set
member val Title = "" with get, set
override this.Render() =
div [attr.classes ["panel"]] [
h1 [attr.classes ["panel-title"]] [
text this.Title
div [attr.classes ["panel-body"]] [
fragment this.ChildContent
let myPanel =
comp<Panel> ["Title" => "Welcome to Bolero"] [
text "Let's learn about "
a [attr.href "https://fsbolero.io"] [text "Bolero"]
text "!"
#159 Breaking change: Remove the module Bolero.Json
, and use System.Text.Json together with FSharp.SystemTextJson instead for remoting.
Remoting serialization can be customized by passing an additional argument configureSerialization: JsonSerializerOptions -> unit
to services.AddRemoting()
in both the server-side and client-side startup functions.
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
let Main args =
let builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args)
builder.Services.AddRemoting(builder.HostEnvironment, fun serializerOptions ->
|> serializerOptions.Converters.Add
) |> ignore
// ...
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
type Startup() =
member this.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) =
services.AddRemoting<MyRemoteService>(fun serializerOptions ->
|> serializerOptions.Converters.Add
) |> ignore
// ...
Happy coding!