Bolero 0.23 released

Router query parameters and .NET 8 compatibility

We are happy to announce the release of Bolero version 0.23. Bolero is a library that enables writing full-stack applications in F#, whose client side runs in WebAssembly using Blazor.

The main highlights of this release are:

  • Improvements to routing, including query parameters, not-found handling and hash scrolling.
  • .NET 8 compatibility.
  • Better C# compatibility for server-side.

Install the latest project template with:

dotnet new -i Bolero.Templates::0.23.10

Routing improvements

Query parameters (#309)

Inferred routers can now handle query parameter parsing. It is done using the syntax ?paramName={fieldName}.

type Page =
    | [<EndPoint "/">] Home
    | [<EndPoint "/articles?page={pageNum}&count={countPerPage}"] Articles of pageNum: int * countPerPage: int

Using the router above, /articles?page=3&count=20 corresponds to the page value Articles (3, 20).

Query parameters are optional if the corresponding field has type option or voption, and mandatory otherwise.

Additionally, the syntax ?{paramName} is short for ?paramName={paramName}.

type Page =
    | [<EndPoint "/articles?{tag}&{page}&{count}"] Articles of tag: string option * page: int option * count: int

Using the router above, /articles?tag=fsharp&count=20 corresponds to the page value Articles (Some "fsharp", None, 20).

Of course, path parameters and query parameters can be mixed in the same endpoint.

type Page =
    | [<EndPoint "/articles/{tag}?{page}"] Articles of tag: string * page: int option

Using the router above, /articles/fsharp?page=20 corresponds to the page value Articles ("fsharp", Some 20).

"Not found" handler (#308)

Routers can indicate what endpoint to use when the URL is invalid using the function Router.withNotFound.

type Page =
    | Home
    | // ...

type Message =
    | SetPage of Page
    | // ...

type Model =
    { page: Page
      // ...

let router =
    Router.infer PageChanged (fun m ->
    |> Router.withNotFound Home

This function applies when the initial URL is invalid, or when the URL is programmatically changed to be invalid. It does not apply when the user clicks a link to an invalid URL, in order to allow external links.

Navigating to a Bolero routed URL with a #hash will properly scroll to the element named hash in the target page.

div {
    h1 { "the-title"
        "The title of this section"
    a {
        attr.href (router.Link Home + "#the-title")
        "Navigate and scroll to the title of this section"

Additionally, the methods IRouter.Link and IRouter.HRef take a new optional argument hash: string to link to the corresponding #hash in the target page.

div {
    h1 { "the-title"
        "The title of this section"
    a {
        router.HRef(Home, hash = "the-title")
        "Navigate and scroll to the title of this section"

.NET 8 Compatibility fixes (#317)

  • Fix the server-side rendering and prerendering for .NET 8.

  • Update the MSBuild task generating scoped CSS.

C# compatibility of server-side APIs (#313)

C# compatibility has been improved for server-side hosting APIs, in order to make it easier to integrate Bolero into an existing C# ASP.NET Core application.

More specifically, for the following extension methods:

  • IServiceCollection.AddBoleroHost
  • IServiceCollection.AddBoleroRouting
  • IEndpointRouteBuilder.MapFallbackToBolero

The following changes are applied:

  • Optional arguments are changed from F#-style to C#-style. This is a source breaking change for callers who use explicit syntax ?argument = optionValue.
  • Function arguments are changed from F#-style functions to C#-style Func or Action.

These changes should be source-compatible for most existing F# host applications.

Event handler fixes

  • Fix on.stopPropagation and on.preventDefault to take event names without the on prefix, for consistency with on.event. (#316)

  • Use WheelEventArgs for wheel events and ErrorEventArgs for on.error. (#323)

Happy coding!